Day 18: Waiting on God

“Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” Psalm 27:14 ESV


David telling himself to wait is a fitting but unexpected conclusion. He understands life's pressures will not leave instantaneously. He knows his enemies will not depart once he rises from his knees.

However, David comprehended that God always had the final word. Therefore, David uses the final lyrics of his song, telling himself to relax, enter God's rest and cease his own works. David reminds himself that strength and courage are developed in trials, not after it is over. Waiting on God is essential. 

Perhaps God has spoken to you, and there are dreams and promises you are still waiting on. If you have to, keep on waiting! Review Psalm 27 every time you are tempted to quit. Look at each frightening circumstance as an opportunity to grow in your faith rather than retreating. 

On your 18th day of fasting, remember:

●   God has the final say.

●   God will bring His plans to pass in His timing.

●   God always has a purpose in making you wait.

Prayer Focus: 

Although you don't know what or when things will happen, ask God to strengthen you in the wait. 

Reflection Question: How can you wait patiently for what God wants to do in you and through you?


Day 19: Loved and Chosen


Day 17: Keys to Increased Intimacy with God