General Tithes
& Offerings
When we give, it acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have, reflects our trust that He will continue to provide for us, and allows us to be a part of His work here on earth. It’s something we do with joy.
We are a generous community here at City Church Chicago. We strive to be leaders of generosity in our community, social justice initiatives, ministry projects and beyond. Whether it’s giving your time, talent, or treasure you can know that giving to God goes beyond this moment and leaves an eternal legacy.
If you would like to give your tithes and offerings, you can do so by clicking the button below.
Beyond Finish Campaign
As we lean into our mission to love people to new life in Christ, live planted in community, and lead change in our world, God continues to bless our church and we continue to grow. As our church family grows, so does the need to expand our space.
We believe God has called us to this neighborhood, and we are actively working to acquire new space. Our new expanded space will serve as a hub for outreach to the city, a place for our neighbors to gather, to work, and to build relationships. A larger building will provide more space for our children and youth, and other ministries that are in our heart to do. This new place of worship will provide a home for Chicago to meet with God, gather in community, and worship as one.
If you would like to give toward the Beyond Finish Campaign (Phase 2), you can do so by clicking the button below.
If you would like to give toward completing your Beyond Campaign (Phase 1) pledge, you can do so by clicking the button below.
90 Day Giving Challenge
Countless people experience God’s blessings when they tithe, but often the first step is the hardest one to take. If you are not used to giving back to God 10% of your gross income, the idea itself can be pretty radical. However, we believe so strongly in God’s promises that we’ve created the 90-Day Tithe Challenge. God is the owner of all and does not need our resources, yet He still models generosity and challenges us to trust Him.
"The world of the generous gets larger and larger;
the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller."
- Proverbs 11:24 MSG
Frequently Asked Questions
Simply being able to pull out your phone and make a payment, or give a donation, in the space of a few seconds is compelling. Pushpay is a safe and easy to use tool, allowing you to never miss the moment.
What Is Push Pay?
Pushpay enables you to make safe and speedy smartphone payments. It is a free application that you can download, register and then pay any organization who is listed on Pushpay. It is available from the App Store™ for Apple™ iOS and from Google Play for Android.
Is Push Pay Safe?
Yes. No credit card details are held on your phone. Credit card details are tokenized and are stored on industrial grade servers where this information is then encrypted. The security setup we have used is the same as many banks and is PCI DSS compliant. For this reason, Pushpay is considered significantly more secure than many current offerings including actually having a credit card physically present. If your phone is lost, no transactions can be made without your passcode, as opposed to current credit card theft.
What If I Lose My Phone?
If your phone is lost, even if you are logged into Pushpay no transactions can be made without your passcode. You can also freeze your account by logging into with your registered email and password and choosing the Freeze My Account option.
What If I Forget My Password?
You can reset your account password by going to the reset password.
Do I Get A Receipt?
Yes, You will receive an email immediately after giving. However you can view a list of your transactions that you have made using Pushpay. Simply login and you can see all of the giving you have done via mobile app, website and texting.