
In Psalm 46:10, the scripture says, "Be still and know that I am God." In Hebrew the phrase "be still" means to stop, surrender, and to desist. It can also be translated as cease-fire, or "put down your weapons."

We live in a time in the world where we find ourselves busier than we have ever been. Technological advances are literally changing the world that we live in every day. Research shows that if we are not careful, the technology can have a negative effect on our brains. Anhedonia  is the inability to feel pleasure, or losing the inability to achieve pleasure through certain activities. In medical terms, this basically means that one can lose the ability to enjoy the happiness in things.

Anhedonia can be developed over time through a swelling in the brain. With the advances in technology we have now have the world at our fingertips. Smartphones, tablets, and notebook computers have all revolutionized the way we receive information. They have also revolutionized the way that we socialize and interact with one another. 

Social Anhedonia has come about partly due to the technology that exists today. Instead making plans to meet with family and friends face-to-face, we often communicate via social media, text messaging and instant messaging applications.  Through technology, what previously would create a certain level of excitement has been dulled due to our constant connectivity. We no longer plan out conversations, topics, stories to share, jokes to tell, etc. for our meet-ups with loved ones. Instead, we have overstimulated ourselves by sharing information all day, everyday. When we actually meet, that excitement or the dopamine (the chemical metabolic compound that helps us feel pleasure) has already worn off. In other words, we've overstimulated ourselves to the point of being immune to pleasure.

This not only occurs in social settings, but it holds true in the way that we receive music and media as well. If we don't STOP and put down our phones, close our internet browsers and emails, and shut down our laptops and tablets, we can't enjoy the peace and serenity of pure silence. One of the biggest miscues of the Western church is the absence of silence (i.e. the thought of stopping and doing nothing).

The ancients were always haunted by the "unknowability" of God. Ancient philosophers like Aristotle and Plato struggled with the God because they found Him to be mysterious. They didn't feel that they could truly know Him. As Christians, through Jesus Christ, we understand that we can truly and fully know God.

God is incomprehensible. You can know God, but you can still fail to comprehend God. God is comprehended through the revelation of Jesus Christ. After comprehension, then you can begin to learn about God.  Every day we should seek to learn about God. We should learn about His love, His glory, and His character. We must "taste and see that the Lord is good!"

Be encouraged that God is, God is good, and that God is to be exalted. We put our faith in who God is, what God can do, and the greatness that is God. In that, we have to transfer our trust in God. We have to fully believe in God and place all of our trust in Him.

Give God 8 minutes! "8" is the biblical number for new beginnings.

Just stop and do not react. Give God 5 minutes and "be still."
5 minutes

Know that God is, and know who God is.
1 minute

Learn about God. We should learn about His love, glory, and His character.
1 minute

We have to transfer our trust over to God.
1 minute


S.A.L.T Pt 2
