“Forgiveness is the divine miracle of grace.  The cost to God was the Cross of Christ.” Oswald Chambers

Do you ever wonder if God gets tired of forgiving us? Most of us have probably committed the same sin more than once, asked for forgiveness and moved on with life. But what about those things that trip us up over and over (and over) again? How do you feel about asking God for forgiveness over and over for the same thing?

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

From the Bible it’s clear that God has forgiven us and Jesus handled the punishment for sin. However, having to ask forgiveness for the same thing you promised not to do again can bring feelings of condemnation, and we often end up punishing ourselves. We beat ourselves up by thinking we should be better or know better than this. Even worse, we may tell ourselves that we’ll never be better and that we don’t deserve more forgiveness because we’ll never change.

If you’ve ever thought anything like this, you’re not alone. But the thing we all need to know is that’s not God’s stance toward us. That’s the enemy’s voice in our ear. Don’t let the accuser stop you from approaching God and asking forgiveness, even when it’s a repeat offense.

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus...” Romans 8:1

Failure happens, and we have the conviction of the Holy Spirit to check us and guide us in the right direction. Conviction leads to godly change. Condemnation on the other hand doesn’t help us at all. It clouds our eyes from looking to the mercy and forgiveness of God.

“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7:25

Not only does God not condemn us in Christ, but we also have Jesus constantly interceding for us. Jesus has already got our back, even before we commit the sin again. Not one of us has surprised God by repeating an offense. God does not condemn us, no matter how many times we mess up.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus was asked by his disciples how many times they were expected to forgive someone. Jesus said, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.” Jesus wasn’t saying we need to forgive a certain number of times, but that our forgiveness should be enormous; beyond keeping count.

Jesus expects us to offer nonstop forgiveness because that’s how God is with us. God isn’t counting the number of times he has to forgive us because he’s already decided to forgive you.

God has more forgiveness than we have mistakes.

Questions for Contemplation

  1. Are there any areas where you have defaulted to “that’s just the way I am”? Are you ready to bring those things to God and ask for forgiveness again?

  2. Jesus tells us to forgive repeatedly because God forgives repeatedly. Is there anyone you need to forgive again? Do you need to forgive yourself again?


