Help Me Move

City Church Chicago Message Recap
“Help Me Move” by Pastor Kent Munsey
September 29, 2019

Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?”

“From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

Mark 9:21-24 NIV

In this story in Mark, a father has a son who is tormented by an evil spirit. Jesus is trying to move this father from a place of unbelief to belief, and this son from oppression to freedom. Where is God trying to move you in your life? Often God moves us; other times we just need to make the first move. 

There are five things we need to do if we want to move that we can learn from Mark 9:21-14. 

1. If we’re going to move, we need a PLAN. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This story begins with a father’s plan. God has a plan for us, and it’s a good plan. This father had planned to take his son to see Jesus, the healer. 

The Bible says that a man plans, but God orders his steps. God will meet you in the  middle of your plan and redirect you as needed. The miraculous and the supernatural show up when we are following a plan because God is a God of order. When you plan, you set yourself up for success. Don’t be discouraged when you’re not seeing the plan come to life, because Jesus will meet you in the midst of your plan.

2. If we’re planning to move, we need a PICTURE. You need a vision for yourself for the future. God gave Abraham a picture when he wanted to move him to the Promised Land. When we do have a clear picture, it’s so much easier to move. When we can see a picture, we are more willing to pay the price. 

The boy’s father says, “Lord I believe; help my unbelief.” This father had made plans, he had a picture of what God can do, but his faith had been undone. He was broken and vulnerable. Jesus commands the evil spirit to leave and never return. 

3. If we’re wanting to move, we have to count the cost and pay the PRICE. Sometimes we have the ability to pay the price, but we choose not to. This father had to pay the price of honesty. 

The Bible says that God gives grace to the humble, but he resists the proud. Often times we’re more comfortable paying the price of our addition or our unforgiveness than the price of being honest and allowing our sin or our struggle to be exposed. 

What if this story is less about a sick boy being healed and more about a faithless father being restored? Which individual do we see in worse condition when we read this story? The Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.
There was a price that the father had to pay in order to move from unbelief to belief, and to see his son move from oppression to freedom. Often times the biggest price we have to pay as Christians is the price of our own honesty. 

4. Before we can move, we need to PURGE: Before you can move, Jesus needs to take some things out so that God can bring in the new. There are two ways we are purged: we trust God enough to let him remove some things from our life, or we love ourselves enough to let a blessing from a prior season go so that we can receive the new. 

There are some things that only he can remove, like sin, sickness, our shame… and some things that only we can remove. There are some things that if I don’t remove, then I’ll miss what God is trying to move in. 

5. If we’re going to move, we have to PACK: If you want to move, you’ve got to pack the right things. Jesus said there are some spirits that only come out with prayer and fasting. 

No matter where you’re going, you’ve got to pack prayer. Don’t get so busy that you forget to pack the principles of God, the Holy Spirit, and the precious foundations of godliness. We can’t move into the places and spaces where God’s Word or the Holy Spirit isn’t able to go. 

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. Where do you want to move--spiritually, emotionally, relationally? 

  2. What is your plan?

  3. What picture/vision do you have?

  4. What do you think is the price you will need to pay?

  5. What do you need to purge/remove in order for God to bring in the new?




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