Beyond Series, Part 2
“Beyond Series, Part. 2”
By Pastor Kent Munsey
November 3, 2019
Then King David said to the whole assembly: “My son Solomon, the one whom God has chosen, is young and inexperienced. The task is great, because this palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God. With all my resources I have provided for the temple of my God—gold for the gold work, silver for the silver, bronze for the bronze, iron for the iron and wood for the wood, as well as onyx for the settings, turquoise, stones of various colors, and all kinds of fine stone and marble—all of these in large quantities. Besides, in my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of my God, over and above everything I have provided for this holy temple: three thousand talents of gold (gold of Ophir) and seven thousand talents of refined silver, for the overlaying of the walls of the buildings, for the gold work and the silver work, and for all the work to be done by the craftsmen. Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today?” - 1 Chronicles 29 1-5 (NIV)
Last week we studied the calling of Moses to build a sanctuary for the Lord. In this passage, the children of Israel are no longer nomads. They are in the promised land, postured to flourish. God asked David to have his son Solomon build a sanctuary for him. The greatest privilege we will ever have is to be asked by God to do something for God.
David asks the people, “Who is willing to consecrate themselves to the task of God?” To consecrate means to set apart.
1. God entrusts us with a task.
When City Church was started, all we had was a dream placed in our hearts by God. Everything was rented and temporary. Not many people were present in the early days. God placed the dream for City Church in the hearts and minds of a husband and a wife.
God uses young and inexperienced leaders who are tasked to carry out his will on earth as it is in heaven. In the Bible, God calls us to be a city on a hill, set apart and made to glorify Him.
From 2000-2015, City Church grew from 0-900 people. From 2015-2019, we went from 900 to 1900 people in average attendance. By trusting God early and often, we fed 500 meals to the homeless. We provided 741 volunteers that have served local outreach partners. In 2018, 1000 CPS children received Christmas gifts in the name of Jesus from City Church. From 2015-2019, City Church Chicago gave away $1,000,000 to local and global partners.
What we have been empowered to do was a direct result of asking God for guidance then carrying out his will.
2. Our hearts are tested.
When God gives us a task, he also tests our hearts. When we find ourselves offended or in pain at his request, it’s a good sign that we need his healing. Just like a doctor who prods for pain and symptoms of a problem, God probes our hearts for hurts that need healing.
If we feel offended that God is asking us for something, it likely means that we’ve been disappointed in the past when we’ve given ourselves to a task, and it wasn’t what we thought it was. God wants to heal our hearts so that we can serve him freely.
The Bible says that we are to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God because it is reasonable (Romans 12:1). God doesn’t just want our money; he wants all of us, fully surrendered to him. When we offer ourselves to serve, there is no limit to what God can do.
We were created to love God and love people. God is calling City Church to be a bright light shining for Him.
We’re asking for support in our expansion because we need more room to support a growing congregation. There are many ways to support the Church on this journey: time, prayer, finances, service, etc. God called us to this task, and it’s up to us to answer his call, to be his hands and feet.
Are you willing to set yourself apart for the task of God?
Discussion/Reflection Questions:
Are you willing to set yourself apart for the task of God? How so?
How do you feel God testing your heart in this season?
What does trusting God for miracles look like for you?
Where in your life do you need to surrender your will to God and be His hands and feet?
What task is God guiding you to, both individually and as part of our church?