The Person & Power of the Holy Spirit
“The Person & Power of the Holy Spirit”
by Pastor Todd Powers
June 6, 2021
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2 (NIV)
Paul instructs us in Romans 12 not to conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. That’s why we come to church. That’s why we fellowship with believers and invite in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We do it so that our minds will be renewed to reflect God’s standards and his kingdom.
Good thinking produces good living, while bad thinking produces bad living. We need the Holy Spirit to transform the way we think. The total reformation of the way we think will empower us. Ultimately we want to be transformed into the image of Christ.
We are living in an evil and perverse time in our world when the world is trying to crush us into its ways of thinking and living. We need to decide that we will not allow the world to determine the standard by which we will live. We must decide to do things God’s way.
None of us have the power to live a pure and holy life in our own ability. The scripture says that our righteousness without God is disgusting and filthy. In today's society, we often see self-righteous attitudes. While our righteousness is unworthy, according to God’s righteousness, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to live a pure life. Without God, we can’t do it.
There is a way for every one of us to live in total freedom. We don’t have to be in bondage to sin, shame, or guilt in our lives, regardless of what we have done. We can be completely set free in our lives. We can live a life of complete peace, but we have to submit and commit our lives to Jesus every single day. In Romans 6:6, Paul says that sin has lost its power in our lives.
Religion has made holiness legalistic by putting all of these rules, demands, and judgments on people. Real holiness is complete and total liberation and freedom in your life. There is religious holiness, and then there is Jesus' holiness.
Daniel was living in a very dark time. But, Daniel did something very important. Scripture says that he did not defile himself. Another translation says that Daniel purposed in his heart. He established boundaries and values in his life that he would not violate regardless of what anyone was bringing to tempt him. To defile means to pollute, contaminate, or make unclean. If we get into the world’s system, it is going to dishonor, pollute, contaminate, and make our lives unclean. Daniel was living a pure life, and he began to excel. One of the benefits of living a pure life is excelling. Then everyone became jealous of Daniel. They tried to find dirt on him, but all that they could find on Daniel was that he was devoted to God.
The only place we are going to find truth and understanding of what is good and right is in the word of God. The Bible is our standard. The world does not provide us with our standards. The government does not give us our standards. Religion does not give us our standard. The word of God provides the standard by which we will live this life.
Paul tells Timothy to pursue a godly life. Sin and worldliness are the greatest enemies that we face in living a pure and godly life. Sin and worldliness are like a deadly spiritual virus that has spread to the entire human race. We have to be aware of that so that we do not become victims of that virus. The greatest threat that we face today in the church is the spirit of sin and worldliness that threatens the church. We have to be aware of this great enemy. If we live like the world, then we do not have the power to change the world because our power is diluted. God is calling us to live a pure, clean, and holy life.
If we follow the desires of our sinful nature, then we will have bad results in our lives. However, when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, it will produce positive results. If we want positive outcomes in our lives, we should surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit and allow him to empower us.
Reflection/Discussion Questions:
1. When in your life has godly thinking produced positive results in your life?
2. What are the boundaries or standards in your life established by your faith in Christ that you refuse to violate?
3. Is the Bible your standard, or is the world your standard for how you live your life? Do your actions demonstrate this?
4. How do you think the Holy Spirit might be working to renew your mind in this season?