How to Conquer Fear

“How to Conquer Fear”

By Pastor Troy Maxwell

July 11, 2021

Timothy’s Faith and Heritage

I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy, when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:3-7 (NKJV)

Anxiety is the most common mental disorder in America. One of the components of anxiety, panic and depression is fear. When we think about conquering fear, we often think of the verse in 2nd Timothy. As believers, we must know how to conquer fear.

Do not fear is the most repeated command in the Bible. We do not need to fear the unknown. We do not need to fear our past. There may be things in our past that God wants to heal. We do not need to fear man. In our world people are feeding their fears instead of their faith. Are we investing effort into feeding and researching our fears or building our faith?

Instead of being sensible or realistic about what we can see or feel, let’s be sensible about the spiritual world. Our feelings will betray us. They are the worst leaders we can ever have, especially when it comes to panic, anxiety, and depression. Our feelings will direct us to not come to church, not connect, and pull ourselves away. It is all based on fear. So, how do we conquer and walk through this? 2 Timothy 1:7 gives us the answer to fear.

1. Fear is a spirit that wants to take the place of God.

Fear is not an emotion. It expresses itself as an emotion, but it is a spirit. In Genesis we see the first expression of fear. After the fall, God asks Adam where he is-- not because he didn’t know where he was but he wanted Adam to realize that he was lost. Adam says he hid because he was afraid. Shame is an expression of fear. The enemy wants to replace God with guilt and shame.

Remember, when fear gives us anxiety, God gives us peace. When fear gives us distress, God gives us comfort. When fear gives us uncertainty, God gives us confidence.

2. Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.

If we believe that God loves us, we have nothing to fear. 1 John 4:18 tells us that perfect love drives out fear. Whenever we see a list in the scriptures or a pattern, we must pay attention to it. That way we will know if we are operating in what God is trying to fix if it is the opposite of what God gives us. For example, we know we are operating in fear if we feel powerless, unloved, or uncertain.

Fear will make us feel powerless. With God all things are possible. But, with fear, nothing is possible. Fear takes the smallest things and makes them feel as if they are the biggest things. Fear blinds us to the God possibilities in our life. But, there is an antidote. How do we conquer fear? Power. Love. And, a sound mind.

There are two aspects or two levels of power that God describes in the New Testament. Each one is given a different Greek word. One is a positional power that we sit in, and one is a transactional power that we use to exchange in the spirit realm. First, we have authority because of who we are and our relationship with Jesus Christ. We have positional power. We stand in authority.

God also gives us transactional power. When we were saved, the Holy Spirit comes and lives on the inside of us. So, when we speak, act, worship, pray, walk, and live as a kingdom position person, the devil has to listen to us because we have transactional power.

The more that we know that God loves us, the less things around us will affect us. Finally, God gives us a sound mind. Reason is always an enemy of faith. Faith is not about what will happen; faith is about who can make it happen. We will never go wrong when we put our faith in who can change things instead of what will happen. God may have another way to do it.

Reflection/Discussion Questions:

1. Have you experienced fear in the past year? How do you see the spiritual aspect of those fears through the lens of this message?

2. How can you submit the fear(s) that you are experiencing over to God?

3. How can you walk in confidence knowing that God has given you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind according to 2 Timothy 1:7?

4. What could you accomplish if you had no fear and walked in the power, love, and sound mind that God has given you?


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