Better Decisions: Is there a tension that deserves my attention?
Afterward, David was conscience-stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe. He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.” With these words David sharply rebuked his men and did not allow them to attack Saul. And Saul left the cave and went his way.1 Samuel 24:5 (NIV)
We often want people to tell us what to do, but the Lord wants to teach us how to think and make good decisions. When we are making decisions, we have to ask ourselves good questions. Ask the Integrity question: Am I being honest with myself? Ask the Legacy question: what’s the story I want to tell? And ask the Conscience question: is there a tension that deserves my attention?
When David was a young man, the prophet Samuel anointed him to be king. Later, when David was in his twenties, King Saul planned to kill him. Then in one day, David lost everything. The prophet Samuel died. David lost his best friend, Jonathan. David also lost his wife and home, becoming an outlaw on the run. While David and his men were hiding in a cave, King Saul unknowingly entered the very same cave. With Saul there, David’s mighty men encouraged him to kill Saul. But David felt a tension in his heart and paused, choosing to honor God by not taking revenge and killing Saul.
Anytime you feel tension in making a decision, press pause. Tension deserves your attention. These are red flags we experience in our conscience. The internal hesitation, these red flags, are often God’s way of turning us in another direction. People who are yielded to God don’t attempt to play God.
Instead, as people of faith, we surrender. We obey. We follow.
David paid attention to the tension that was in his heart. David paused, choosing not to kill the man that God had once anointed. David waited on the Lord to unfold His plan in His timing. Later, a Philistine archer killed King Saul. It was shortly after this that David was made king of Israel, without the blood of Saul on his hands.
We might plan our ways, but the Lord orders our steps (Proverbs 16:9). One of the ways to have our steps ordered by God is to have a sensitive heart to the Lord’s voice and to practice his presence. Is there a tension that deserves your attention right now? Pause, pray, practice God’s presence, and apply God’s word so that you will continually be transformed into the image of Christ.