A Faith that Helps Us See the Truth

People always think they’re doing the right thing, but in the end it leads to their death. 

  • Proverbs 16:25

Oftentimes, we think we’re taking the right steps when we’re actually making the wrong decision. Here are practical ways that we deceive ourselves: 

  1. When I think I’ve earned and deserve all I have. Every good gift comes from the Lord. Everything we have is God’s, and we are called to steward every good and perfect gift that comes into our lives. When we think we deserve what we have, we believe that it’s all about us, but it’s about God. 

  2. When I think hearing God’s word means I’ve obeyed it. As believers, our spiritual maturity is not based on how much information we know. Instead, we measure it based on the gap between when God tells us to do something and when we actually do it.  

  3. When I think I’m mature, but I don’t control my mouth. When we think we are mature but can’t control our mouths, we open ourselves up to deception. 

  4. When I assume my viewpoint is what God thinks. If we are not careful, we will allow our own thoughts, perceptions, and ways of seeing things to shape our faith. God does not think like us. His thoughts and ways are higher. When we start to assume that God is aligned with our worldview, we need to consistently check our worldview and ensure that it aligns with the word of God. 

  5. When I confuse keeping current with being wise. Our hearts and desires are to consistently be changed and transformed in the presence of God through the power of His word and the person of Jesus Christ. There is so much power in virtue and godliness. We should look at the life of someone and ask how aligned they are with the person of Jesus and the principles we see in God’s word.  

  6. When I think I have the right to judge. God is the ultimate judge, not us. 

  7. When I think wrong friends won’t influence me. Whom we surround ourselves with matters to God. 

  8. When I think I can sin without consequences. We have to be constantly aware of how easy it is for us to sin. While his grace is sufficient, we need to understand that there is a seed in every deed. When sin is sown, it will reap a harvest. Thankfully, God redeems, restores, and breaks the power and consequence of sin by defeating death, hell, and the grave.

How can we help ensure we don’t deceive ourselves? Here are three things we can do:

  1. Ask God for clarity. God will speak to us clearly. He will show us the path and lead us and guide us on the path of righteousness through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

  2. Ask your life group for help. We do life together. God says it is not good for man to be alone. We were created to commune with one another in community and commune with the Lord. We need to ask others for help.  

  3. Ask Jesus to change us. When we are born again and born of the Spirit, God’s spirit takes residence in us, and we become children of God according to Scripture. We should ask God to grow us in the image of Jesus more and more because He is the way, the truth, and the light which can be trusted.  


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