Do You See Goliath, Or Do You See God?

“Do You See Goliath, Or Do You See God?”

by Pastor Alli Munsey

July 7, 2019

Goliath came toward David, walking behind the soldier who was carrying his shield. When Goliath saw that David was just a healthy good looking boy, he made fun of him. “Do you think I'm a dog?” Goliath asked “Is that why you've come after me with a stick?” He cursed David in the name of the Philistine gods and shouted, “Come on! When I'm finished with you I'll feed you to the birds and wild animals!”

David answered: You've come out to fight me with a sword and a spear and a dagger. But I've come out to fight you in the name of the Lord All Powerful. He is the God of Israel's Army, and you have insulted him, too!

Today, the Lord will help me defeat you. I'll knock you down and cut off your head, and I'll feed the bodies of the other Philistine soldiers to the birds and wild animals. Then the whole world will know that Israel has a real God. Everybody here will see that the Lord doesn't need swords or spears to save his people. The Lord always wins his battles, and he will help us defeat you.

When Goliath started forward, David ran toward him. He put a rock in his sling and swung the sling around by its straps. When he let go of one strap, the rock flew out and hit Goliath on the forehead. It cracked his skull and he fell face down to the ground. David defeated Goliath with a sling and a rock. He killed him without even using a sword. David ran over and pulled out Goliath's sword. Then he used it to cut off Goliath's head. When the philistines saw what had happened to their hero, they started running away. - 1 Samuel 17:41-51

In 1 Samuel, we see the fruits of David's faithfulness during the preparation process. David was not highly favored before this time in his life, even after being anointed. David grew in his relationship with God while he took care of the smaller things leading up to his big day defeating Goliath. Everything God gives us is on purpose. He gives us opportunities to lean into so we can engage Goliath with supernatural poise. 

Do you see Goliath or do you see God? The challenges we face in life may be a perceived disadvantage, but our God does the impossible. He pairs his “super” with our “natural” and does supernatural things. The only limitations we have are the limitations we put on ourselves. Everything God has given us is on purpose--that means every card that he gives us is a card we can play. What we see as a disadvantage, God uses to our advantage.

We can either complain about our circumstances or we can choose to depend on God. David leaned into God. There are 3 things we can learn from David in this story:

  1. Stay God focused, not Goliath focused. Do you serve a God bigger than your problems, or do you serve a problem bigger than your God? Whenever you are doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. If David hadn’t had the perceived disadvantage, he wouldn’t have become the warrior that he was. Are you limiting yourself from facing the giants that are in front of you because of a perceived disadvantage? If God has put you in it, God will see you through it. 

  1. Stay faithful in the preparation process. David wasn’t born a giant killer; he developed into one. God will never promote you to a bigger opportunity when you consider your current one too little of an opportunity. David was faithful at tending his father’s sheep. Are you being faithful with what God has given you to steward? It’s in the faithful lonely places that God develops the character and confidence we need to conquer the bigger things. 

  1. Faithfully declare what was already established in heaven on earth. Declare victory over your problems in faith because of what God has already established in heaven. Sometimes God places things in your life not to discourage you but to encourage you. 

When you are facing your Goliath, remember that the battle is the Lord’s. If God has put you in it, then he will see you through it. When the battle is the Lord’s, the odds are always in your favor. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the Goliaths or giant-sized problems in your life?

  2. Where in your life do you need to tell Goliath how big your God is?

  3. What perceived disadvantage do you have that God may want to use for his glory?

  4. Where do you need to give up ownership and be a steward of the opportunities God has given you?


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