The Precious Present

“The Precious Present”

by Pastor Phil Munsey

“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118:24 NKJV

The precious present is what allows you to be happy always. It is not something you wish for, not someplace you can go, and no one can give it to you but yourself. You know it best when you're a child. It's not the past, or the future but the present.

The power of living to the max is in recognizing the power of being in the present. Being in the precious present is a spiritual experience-- the mind cannot grasp it. We're not human beings trying to be spiritual; we're spiritual beings trying to be human.

The past is constantly trying to eclipse your present, and the future is constantly trying to intimidate you. We are at war for our present moment. You have to decide to live in today.

The Bible says that eternity is placed in our hearts. Eternity is not a matter of quantity of time but of quality of life. God does not live under man-made time. God was and is and is to come.  Eternity is an eternal “Now.”

When you can get into the moments, moments turn into momentum, and momentum turns into a life fully engaged, but it starts in the now. The past will rob you, and the future will rob you. Don't sell your soul for a goal.

God can redeem time. He can make our past work for our good. He doesn't want us to be a prisoner of our past. There is redemption. Sin has a memory, but grace does not. God does not use shame. You should never let shame rob you of the precious present. You don't have to worry about tomorrow; you just need enough grace for today.

Jesus on the cross is holding back the past and the future from robbing the present. He is inviting us into the now. The best thing you can do for your past is to enjoy today. The best thing you can do for your future is to enjoy today.

The thief of “if” and “why” will try to rob you. Don't let the thief of “when” rob you of the precious present. Jesus says, “today you will be with me in paradise.” Stop letting the past rob you and the future intimidate you. It's time to live in the precious present.

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. How have you allowed the past, or the Thief of “If” and “Why” to steal from your present?

  2. How do you think God wants to redeem your past?

  3. How have you allowed the future, or the Thief of “When” to steal from your present?

  4. What has God given you to enjoy in the Now, in the precious present?

  5. How does the work of Jesus on the cross empower you to live in the present?


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The Fortified Place