Relationship Sunday, Part 1
We’re all made in the image of God, but we’re all so different. The people around us make life unique and different, but all these differences are what make relationships so challenging. We have to cultivate grace for the things we don’t understand. We are empowered to walk in grace because it is something that Jesus gives us.
Joy for the Journey
God always works according to his word, and his word works. God chooses to work according to his good pleasure. Sometimes that work is from the inside out, and sometimes from the outside in; sometimes with our cooperation, and sometimes even without it.
Finishing Strong
When we walk through life, we want to finish strong. It's not as important how we start but how we finish. We've all been designed to do something that's world changing. We are destined to accomplish these things, and we will, as long as we don't quit and we keep going.
I'm Doing a Great Work. I Can't Come Down
Opposition does not always represent that we are heading in the wrong direction; in fact it is often an indicator that we are headed in the right direction. The Bible says we have to be aware of the enemy’s devices. However, we can't respond the same way to every opposition.
Love Rebuilds
When you live a life of love, it always serves to build the lives around you into a greater narrative. Nehemiah had nothing to gain politically from this wall. When a nation’s walls were in ruin, they had no pride; they were in reproach. Nehemiah wasn't near Jerusalem but he had a burden for it. He prayed for four months about the wall before he spoke a word about it.
Brick by Brick
What would you ask for if the wealthiest, most powerful man in the world asked you what you wanted? The king of Persia asked Nehemiah this very question. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the king. This was not a servant or slave role; this was a position of privilege and honor. The king asked him what he wanted because he could tell he was sad.
At The Movies: Home Alone
In a big city like Chicago, surrounded by so many people, it’s surprising how easy it is to feel so alone. Often times we reach to fill the void of loneliness with everything but God. And like Kevin, we all discover that doing life alone is not as exhilarating as we hoped – especially when we find ourselves in a moment of crisis.
At The Movies: Strangely Wrapped Gifts
It’s so easy to get caught up celebrating Christmas, the birth of Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem, and miss the true meaning behind why we celebrate. The true gift of Christmas is that we get to experience life with Jesus now and for all eternity. So many families have the gifts and the tree, but they are so busy looking for Santa that they miss their Savior