How to Live Life Devoted to God - the Zoe Life
In scripture, the Greek word for life is Zoe. Jesus did not just come so that we could have forgiveness of sins or that our future could be secure in heaven; he came so that we could experience Zoe life (John 10:10). Zoe is the absolute fullness of life.
The Resurrection Changes Everything
Easter is not a celebration that Jesus died. Easter is a celebration that on the third day, he rose again with resurrection power. We have a hope and a victory today because Jesus defeated sin, death, and the grave.
Peace is Within Your Reach
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week, fulfilling the prophecy of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In Luke 19, Jesus is riding into Jerusalem weeping because he knows the people do not recognize that peace is here. Jesus is weeping because the people cannot see that peace is a person and that he is that person.
Surrounded or Surrendered
Like David, in our worship, we can surrender our desire for control to God. David was a warrior and a man after God’s own heart; he was also a songwriter. He was often attacked and surrounded by his enemies, but he declared, “In you, O God, I take refuge. Rescue me, O rock of strength.”
Not on Pause; Still on Mission
This is our moment to show faith, not fear, as a church. Because of Jesus, we have every reason to be an unfrightened church. We may not know all the details about the moment we’re in, but we know about the mission we’re on. We’re not on pause; we’re still on mission.
Drawing Near to God
We are rallying together in faith, according to 2 Chronicles 14. Together we can stay connected in community and choose to minimize the spread of fear and disease, by practicing the wisdom that God gives us. We choose to place our trust in God during this time of uncertainty.
A Firm Foundation
You are worth the best. Don’t skip critical steps, don’t take shortcuts. Count the cost and pay the price. Build with the end in mind. Visionaries always focus on the outcome. Are you using the best practices of faith, hope, and love?
The Friend at Midnight
Some theologians say we should never ask God for something more than once because it is a sign of doubt to do so. But persistence is not a sign of doubt. Persistence means that we are so intent on our request that we are actually expressing faith by not letting go.