Stewarding Your Life Well: Following Jesus Through Worship

Seasons of Change: Trusting in God's Faithfulness

Pastor Kent Munsey & Nick Bays

April 14, 2024


In our journey of faith, there are times when we may feel like we're running on empty, unsure of where to draw inspiration and direction from. As believers, we are called to steward our lives well, follow Jesus, and walk in obedience. One powerful way to do this is through worship. Worship is not just about singing songs or attending church services; it is a lifestyle of surrender and devotion to God. In this article, we will explore the importance of worship in stewarding our lives well, drawing from the wisdom and experiences of renowned worship leaders.

The Wilderness Journey

The wilderness is a recurring theme in the Bible, symbolizing a season of testing, growth, and reliance on God. For many worship leaders, stepping into their calling can feel like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. It requires faith and trust, knowing that God will provide and guide every step of the way. This leap of faith often leads to unexpected places, like a promised land that turns out to be a surprising wilderness. But even in the wilderness, God is at work.

"He leads us through the wilderness, trusting and sowing, not knowing when we will see the harvest." -  Nick Bays

Trusting in God's Provision

When we step out in obedience, God doesn't always reveal the entire plan at once. Instead, He asks us to take one step at a time, trusting Him to provide what we need along the way. It may feel like flying blind, but God's vantage point is much larger than ours. He sees the big picture even when we can't. As worship leaders, we are not the source of inspiration; we are merely stewards of God's character, facilitating His work through our songs and lyrics.

"All I do is steward God's character and facilitate lyrics about the heart of God. It's a stewardship, not a personal achievement." -  Nick Bays

Refreshing Others, Being Refreshed

In the midst of our journey, it's easy to become consumed with our own needs and aspirations. But true worship is not about us; it's about lifting the arms of others and championing their gifts and callings. When we focus on serving and refreshing others, we ourselves are refreshed. This principle is beautifully captured in the book of Proverbs: "They who refresh others, themselves will be refreshed." It's a reminder that when we pour out our lives in worship, God fills us up with His presence and grace.

"Building the kingdom of God has never been about us. When we seek first the kingdom, everything else falls into place." - Nick Bays

Sustaining the Journey

The journey of a worship leader can be challenging and exhausting. To sustain the calling, it's crucial to find a deeper purpose beyond personal gain. One worship leader shared how she sustains her passion for worship by focusing on championing artists and facilitating their creative process. It's not about her; it's about helping others find their voice and express their love for God through music. When we shift our perspective from self-centeredness to stewardship, the work becomes fulfilling and long-lasting.

"It's not about me. What a relief! Building the kingdom of God is about His grace and His purposes." - Nick Bays

Worship as a Lifestyle

Worship is not confined to a Sunday service or a specific time and place. It is meant to permeate every aspect of our lives. When we live a lifestyle of worship, every moment becomes an opportunity to honor and glorify God. Whether we're in the workplace, at home, or in a community gathering, we can offer our lives as a living sacrifice, surrendering our desires and ambitions to God's will. Through worship, we align ourselves with His heart and invite His presence into every situation.

"Worship is a lifestyle of surrender and devotion. It's about aligning our hearts with God's and inviting His presence into our everyday lives." - Nick Bays

The Transformative Power of Worship

Worship has the power to transform not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. As we encounter God's presence and experience His love, we are changed from the inside out. Our worship becomes a testimony, drawing others to encounter the same life-changing God. When we steward our lives well through worship, we become conduits of God's grace, bringing hope, healing, and transformation to a broken world.

"Through worship, we become conduits of God's grace, bringing hope and transformation to a broken world." - Nick Bays

Embracing Risk and Obedience

Stewarding our lives well often requires taking risks and stepping out in obedience, even when it seems illogical or uncertain. It may involve leaving comfort zones, making sacrifices, and embracing the unknown. But when we trust in God's faithfulness and follow His leading, we will witness His provision and guidance in ways we could never have imagined. The adventure of following Jesus is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

"We are willing to lay everything down and take crazy, risky things because we trust that God's plans are greater than our own." - Nick Bays

The Longevity of Worship

The journey of a worship leader is not a sprint; it is a marathon. To sustain the calling and keep going for the long haul, we must continually draw from the well of God's presence and be refreshed by His Spirit. It's not about striving for personal success or recognition; it's about faithfully stewarding the gifts and opportunities God has entrusted to us. When we keep our focus on Him and seek His kingdom above all else, He will sustain us and enable us to endure.

"The longevity and sustaining nature of worship come from keeping our focus on God and faithfully stewarding His gifts." - Nick Bays


Stewarding our lives well through worship is a lifelong commitment. It requires trust, obedience, and a heart that is willing to lay everything down for the sake of God's kingdom. As we lift the arms of others, facilitate their gifts, and champion their callings, we ourselves are refreshed and sustained by God's faithfulness. Let us embrace the adventure of following Jesus, knowing that He will guide us every step of the way. May our lives be a living sacrifice of worship, bringing glory to His name and transforming the world around us.


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