Our Inheritance in Christ: A Secure and Powerful Legacy

Jesus Is Alive -Easter 2024

Pastor Kent Munsey

March 31, 2024


When we think about inheritance, we often associate it with material possessions or financial wealth passed down from one generation to another. However, as believers in Christ, we have a unique and secure inheritance that goes beyond earthly treasures. Our inheritance in Jesus is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading, and it is kept in heaven for us. In this article, we will explore the concept of our inheritance in Christ, the blessings it brings, and the supernatural power and protection that accompany it.

The Nature of Our Inheritance

Our inheritance in Christ is unlike any earthly possession. It is imperishable, meaning it cannot be destroyed or ravaged by an invading army. Just as the Promised Land was real to the Israelites, though they had not yet seen or experienced it, our inheritance is equally real and tangible. It is uncorrupted, free from any impurity or pollution that would diminish its holiness. Furthermore, our inheritance is unfading; it cannot fade away or be corrupted over time. It is eternally secure and everlasting.

Our Inheritance in Heaven

While our inheritance is ultimately in heaven, it is important to note that our inheritance is not merely a place or a possession. Our inheritance is God Himself. In Psalm 16, it says, "Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing. You hold my future." Our inheritance is a deep and intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father, where we find peace, joy, and fulfillment that are untouched by the chances and changes of life. The boundary lines have fallen for us in pleasant places, and we have a beautiful inheritance in Christ.

Earthly vs. Heavenly Inheritance

As believers, we must recognize that this earth is not our ultimate home. Heaven is our home, and our inheritance lies there. Often, we settle for a second-rate version of heaven by seeking temporary pleasures and possessions in this fallen and sinful world. However, the things of this world will never satisfy us because they are corruptible and fading. Our true inheritance is kept in heaven, where we will experience the fullness of God's glory and blessings.

The Value of Our Inheritance

The value of our inheritance in Christ is immeasurable. In 1 Peter 1:7, it says, "The genuineness of your faith, being more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." Our faith, which is more valuable than any earthly treasure, will be honored and rewarded when Jesus is revealed. The joyand hope we have in our inheritance are inexpressible and glorious.

Supernatural Power and Protection

Along with our secure inheritance, we have been granted supernatural power and protection through our faith in Christ. 1 Peter 1:5 assures us that we arebeing protected by God's power for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. This power is not just a mere force but a divine presence that garrisons our lives. God stands as a guardian over us, leading us from grace to grace, from victory to victory. It is not that God saves us from hardships, but He sustains us through them and empowers us to overcome them.

The Power of Christ in Us

The power and authority we possess as believers in Jesus are awe-inspiring. The same power that raised Christ fromthe dead lives within us. When we face challenges, temptations, or overwhelming circumstances, we can draw on the resurrection power of Jesus. Just as Jesus got up and got out of the grave, we too can rise above any situation that tries to keep us down. The devil trembles when he realizes the power and authority we have in Christ.

Living a Resurrected Life

As followers of Jesus, we are called to live a resurrected life. This means that we no longer have to remain defeated or downtrodden. When life knocks us down, we can get back up because the power of Christ lives in us. Evander Holyfield, a world champion prize fighter, once said that the scariest moment in the ring is when you give your opponent your best shot, and they don't go down. Similarly, the devil is terrified when he realizes that we understand our power and authority in Christ.

The Church: A Strong and Victorious Body

Contrary to popular belief, the Church of Jesus Christ is alive and well. Despite the challenges and cultural pressures we face, the Church stands strong. We are not to believe the negative portrayals in the media or the prevailing cultural narratives. We are a people of a living hope, a secure inheritance, and supernatural power and protection. The devil's attempts to undermine and weaken the Church are futile because we are empowered by the Holy Spirit and united under the banner of Jesus.

Embracing Our Inheritance

To fully embrace our inheritance in Christ, we must shift our focus from temporary earthly possessions to the eternal blessings and promises of God. We need to cultivate a heavenly mindset, recognizing that this world is not our home. When we align our hearts and minds with God's purposes, we can experience the fullness of our inheritance and walk in the power and protection He provides. Let us live each day with the assurance that we are heirs of a glorious legacy, secured by the love and grace of Jesus.


Our inheritance in Christ is a treasure beyond compare. It is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading. Our inheritance is not merely a place or a possession but an intimate relationship with God Himself. We must not settle for earthly pleasures and possessions that will fade away. Instead, we must fix our eyes on our heavenly inheritance, knowing that it is secure and everlasting. Along with our inheritance, we have been granted supernatural power and protection by God. We can live a resurrected life, empowered by the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. As part of the Church, we stand strong and victorious, embracing our inheritance and reflecting the glory of Jesus to the world. Let us rejoice in our secure and powerful legacy in Christ.


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