How to Glorify God in Your Life

Jesus Encounters

Pastor Kent Munsey

April 28, 2024

Glorifying God is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith. As believers, we are called to live in a way that reflects God's love, grace, and truth. In this article, we will explore the story of Joseph of Arimathea and how his life can serve as an inspiration for us to glorify God in our own lives. Joseph's journey teaches us valuable lessons about faith, influence, and the courage to boldly live out our beliefs.

The Secret Disciple

Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy and influential man who secretly followed Jesus. He was a disciple, but he kept his faith hidden for fear of the Jews and potential backlash from the ruling class. Joseph's secrecy highlights the internal struggle many believers face when it comes to openly expressing their faith. While it is important to respect individual circumstances, we should strive to find ways to share our beliefs and glorify God without fear.

The Influence of Joseph

Joseph's status as a prominent council member of the Sanhedrin and his wealth gave him significant influence within the Jewish community and even with the Roman authorities. His position allowed him to have a voice and make a difference in the lives of those around him. Likewise, our influence, whether in our workplaces, communities or online, can be a powerful tool for glorifying God. We should use our influence to promote love, justice, and compassion and to spread the message of God's grace.

Overcoming Fear

Despite his influence, Joseph of Arimathea had to overcome his fear to publicly express his faith. After Jesus's crucifixion, Joseph approached Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. This act required courage and a willingness to face potential consequences. Similarly, we must be willing to step out of our comfort zones and overcome our fears to glorify God. It may involve speaking up for what is right, sharing our faith with others, or boldly living out our beliefs in a world that often opposes them.

Counting the Cost

Following Jesus comes with a cost. Joseph of Arimathea understood this when he chose to openly identify with Jesus. He was aware that he might face the loss of relationships, influence, or even financial stability. However, he prioritized his commitment to God above all else. As followers of Christ, we, too, must count the cost and be willing to sacrifice worldly comforts and privileges in order to honor and glorify God.

The Power of Faith

Joseph of Arimathea's story teaches us the power of faith. Despite the risks and challenges he faced, he remained faithful to Jesus and his teachings. This faithfulness led to incredible opportunities and experiences, such as encountering the risen Christ post-resurrection. When we fully trust in God and faithfully live out our beliefs, we open ourselves up to experiencing His presence and witnessing His transformative power in our lives.

Sharing Your Faith

Being a secret disciple is not what God intended for us. Jesus calls us to be bold and unashamed in our faith. Just as Joseph of Arimathea eventually went public with his beliefs, we, too, should strive to share our faith with others. Our faith becomes stronger as we express it and share it with those around us. By speaking of Christ and His love, we can have a profound impact on the lives of others and bring glory to God.

The Price of Faith

The decision to go public with our faith may come at a price. Joseph of Arimathea faced persecution and imprisonment for his beliefs. Similarly, we may encounter opposition, rejection, or even discrimination for openly identifying as Christians. However, it is essential to remember that the rewards of faithfulness far outweigh the costs. God promises to honor and bless those who faithfully serve Him, even in the face of adversity.

Living a Vocal Faith

In the current times we live in, it is crucial for Christians to be unashamed and vocal about their faith. Jesus is calling us to be bold and loud about what we believe. Our world needs the light of Christ, and it is our responsibility to shine that light brightly. Living a vocal faith means actively sharing the love and truth of Jesus with others, both through our words and our actions.

The Legacy of Joseph

Joseph of Arimathea's legacy extends far beyond his lifetime. He played a significant role in spreading the Gospel and establishing the early Church. Today, the Church of England can be traced back to Joseph of Arimathea's ministry. His commitment to glorifying God left a lasting impact on generations to come. Similarly, when we live our lives in a way that brings glory to God, we have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of faith and inspire others to follow in our footsteps.


Glorifying God is not just a one-time act but a lifelong commitment. Joseph of Arimathea's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of living boldly and authentically for Christ. Through his influence, courage, and unwavering faith, he left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire believers today. May we, like Joseph, embrace our role as ambassadors of God's love and truth, and may our lives bring glory to Him in all that we do.


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