Day 8: Faith in Action

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” HEBREWS 11:1 NKJV

When we receive divine direction from God, it takes faith to move forward. Sometimes, having the faith to stay on course isn't always easy. We can sometimes feel silly walking in our spiritual purpose. But faith is the willingness to look ridiculous. It's taking steps to unlearn our fears until the fear of God is the only thing left.

In God's Word, there are many examples of people who put their faith into action. Noah built the ark before God sent animals to fill it (Genesis 6). Elisha dug a ditch in the desert before God sent rain (2 Kings 3). The widow borrowed vessels before having oil to fill them (2 Kings 4).

Faith allows us to take steps, believing God's divine direction is enough. That doesn't mean it's easy; it can be challenging to hold onto a dream or destiny when it has not come to pass.

Although our present reality does not match our beliefs, God faithfully provides what He promised. While we wait for God to fulfill His promise, we must keep moving in faith, expecting God to provide. 

On your eighth day of fasting, remember:

●   It's easy to feel silly stepping out in faith. However, faith is the willingness to look foolish.

●   Faith allows you to move forward, regardless of present circumstances.

●   You may be waiting, but God will always fulfill His promises.

Prayer Focus:

Thank God for the divine direction He has given you about His plans for you. Ask God for strength as you put your faith into action. Ask God to help you believe that He will fulfill His promises.

Reflection Question: What promises are you waiting for God to fulfill? What steps of faith can you take to continue having a posture of expectancy?


Day 9: Resurrection Faith & Power


Day 7: Our Daily Bread