Patterns of Prayer
Let’s commit to praying like Jesus: privately, consistently, preparedly, audibly, and expectantly. Right now we are vulnerable to the temptation to disconnect, to distance, and to deny what we know to be true. Let’s pray and come awake to the things of God.
Praying Like Jesus
E.M. Bounds says prayer shapes the world. The kingdom of God is brought to earth through our prayers. John Wesley says prayer is where the action is. Oswald Chambers calls our prayers powerful. We turn our ear to Heaven and get more clarity on how to bring Heaven to earth. We need God’s kingdom of righteousness, joy, and peace on the earth now more than ever. We pray today for the Kingdom of Heaven to come to earth.
Called Out
No one likes to be called out. The reason we find ourselves hiding so often is that we know the right thing to do, so we hide the truths that hurt, and we ignore the places that God wants to reach. In the garden, God asks Adam and Eve: ‘Where are you?’. This is not because he does not know, but because he wants them to know where they are. Where are you in this pandemic? Are you in fear, anxiety, or addiction? Are you lonely? Are you numb? Many things can cause us to hide.
Stay on the Ship
We may think the storm has overtaken us. We are not where we thought we would be. We did not want to go to Malta; we wanted to go to Rome. Yet, the revival in Malta was part of God’s plan.
The Third Option
However, God gives us a third option: a way of thinking about and approaching conflict that honors and gives value to what we have in common, instead of focusing on the differences. The third option allows us to rise above the division and recognizes that everyone is made in the image of God. His image in any one of us is not superior to his image in another person. We need to work together to demonstrate this truth, even and especially with people who don’t look like us, share our same life experiences, or who think differently than we do. This is how we as the church can model to the world what it looks like to live in harmony.
Independence: A New Day of Transformation
How do we get independence from whoever or whatever our oppressor is? We, as a church, need to seize this moment of transformation; we need to take up our faith and use it to lead our community and our country. No matter our age or our finances, our faith will lead us to be part of the answer.
Interview with Chicago Urban League CEO
In an interview with Karen Freeman-Wilson, we learn about her role as the current Chicago Urban League CEO, her early influences, positions she has held during her Christian service journey as she works to improve the lives of those whom the cards are stacked against before they’re even dealt. In recounting Freeman-Wilson’s journey and the Urban League purpose, we get to see service options that can support her efforts. We can lend an ear and a helping hand to better the lives of others.
Five Qualities of a Fathers
Fathers are protectors, providers, promoters, priests, and prophets. As they pray and fulfill their calling, they become a blessing. Jesus encouraged us that when we pray say, “our Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:9). We have a Father in heaven who loves us.