City Church Communications City Church Communications

Faith Foundations Week Three

The Bible says there is seed, time, and harvest as long as the earth remains. Abraham would say to someone today that it is foundational for us to learn how to wait on God. Abraham and Sarah waited on God for three decades before Isaac’s birth. Complaining causes us to circle.

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City Church Communications City Church Communications

Battle Ready

We must think about our open doors, words, and agreements. We are not just fighting flesh and blood. We are fighting principalities; there are rulers and spirits in the air, speaking words to us that do not match the Word of God. We must break this by the Spirit of Jesus, to take back territory the enemy has tried to steal from us. We do not have to accept defeat. God has given us authority over every evil attack the enemy throws at us. We can take authority through God’s covenant with us. We have been given a contract, a covenant, the Bible, full of good promises for our lives. 

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City Church Communications City Church Communications

Faith Foundations Week Two

We are in a faith fight that started with original sin in the Garden of Eden. Satan first attacked Eve's hope by questioning God's love for her (Gen 3:1). Next, he challenged her faith by twisting God's Word (Gen 3:4) saying, "You will not surely die." With a foothold, Satan substituted a new belief system (Gen 3:5); if she eats from the tree, she "will be like God, knowing good and evil."

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City Church Communications City Church Communications

Faith Foundations

From Abel we learn to put God first. Abel believed in God because he walked with God and talked with God (Genesis 4). So did Cain. Abel brought the first fruits as an offering to the Lord. But, Cain brought his offering over the course of time. Abel put God first. If you want to please God with your faith, God must be first and foremost. It's not just what you do, it’s the order in which you do it. Your priorities matter.

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City Church Communications City Church Communications

Remembering 9/11

As we remember the attacks on September 11th, we also recognize the parallels to the spiritual attacks that we as Christ followers experience. These attacks come against us as believers, the church of Jesus Christ, and the purposes and plans of Jesus on the earth.

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City Church Communications City Church Communications

Better Decisions: What does love require of me?

In John 13, Jesus gives us a new command. He establishes his love as the measure for how we should love others. Not just are we to do unto others as we would have them do unto us, we are now called to a higher standard, to love others like Jesus has loved us.

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City Church Communications City Church Communications

Better Decisions: Is there a tension that deserves my attention?

We often want people to tell us what to do, but the Lord wants to teach us how to think and make good decisions. When we are making decisions, we have to ask ourselves good questions. Ask the Integrity question: Am I being honest with myself? Ask the Legacy question: what’s the story I want to tell? And ask the Conscience question: is there a tension that deserves my attention?

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City Church Communications City Church Communications

Better Decisions: What will your story be?

Our greatest power in life is our power to decide. Pausing to ask ourselves great questions helps us to make better decisions. This week, we are asking the legacy question. What story do you want to tell? Or, more directly, what is the story that will be told?

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