Day 4: A New Perspective

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” MATTHEW 13:44 NKJV

When we experience a new pace that leads us to a new place, God gives us a new perspective. Fasting changes our routine and destination, which means we’ll start seeing things from a different point of view. However, the new lens we’re looking through should be God-given.

God wants us to submit our thoughts to Him. By surrendering what we think about our wants, needs, and circumstances, we leave room for the Holy Spirit to give us a new perspective that brings truth and light into our lives.

Maybe we’re walking through a tough season at work, relational challenges, health concerns, or financial problems. In every area of our lives, we can ask God to give us a new perspective, and we can expect to hear His answer. Fasting slows us down and re-positions us to hear the soft whisper of the Holy Spirit. All we have to do now is wait for God to replace our worldly lens with a spiritual one.  

If God doesn’t provide a new perspective immediately, that doesn’t mean we’ve done something wrong. God is faithful to answer our prayers and give us the lens He wants us to have about every situation in our lives. We just have to stay hopeful, continue to fast, and submit our thoughts to Him.

On your fourth day of fasting, remember:

●       A new pace and place lead to a new perspective.

●       Ask God to replace your worldly lens with a spiritual one.

●       God is faithful to provide the answers you need.

Prayer Focus:

Thank God for positioning you for a new perspective. Pray that He helps you submit your thoughts to Him. Then, ask God to give you a new way to think about your needs, wants, and circumstances. 

Reflection Question: What area of your life do you need a perspective shift on?


Day 5: Seeking God Through Change


Day 3: A New Place