Day 21: He is Faithful
On our final day of fasting, we celebrate the faithfulness of God, knowing that with God on our side, nothing can be against us. As we step forward with clarity and a deeper understanding of God’s will for our lives, we can do so in faith. God’s faithfulness means that He is always consistent. His word never changes, and He is always willing to do much more than we can ask or think.
Day 20: Good Things
As we get closer to the end of our fast, we are reminded that God wants to bless us beyond our wildest imaginations. We can take God’s word precisely as stated without overcomplicating its meaning. God does want to and will give good things to those who ask Him. If we’re ever in doubt, we can remember the price that Jesus paid to reconcile us with our Heavenly Father.
Day 19: Loved and Chosen
Even before God laid the foundations of the world, He loved and chose us. When we are faced with doubt or anxiety, especially when we face difficult circumstances or when it feels like God is distant, we should remember that He first loved us.
Day 18: Waiting on God
David telling himself to wait is a fitting but unexpected conclusion. He understands life's pressures will not leave instantaneously. He knows his enemies will not depart once he rises from his knees.
Day 17: Keys to Increased Intimacy with God
When we fast, five things begin to happen that draw us into an intimate and closer relationship with God:
Spiritual Cleansing. Over and over in scripture, we’re instructed to cleanse ourselves. And we do that through the washing of His word in Ephesians 5:26 and the purifying of our flesh in 2 Corinthians 7:1—two things fasting activates. As we cleanse and purify ourselves, we can be refreshed and renewed by the Holy Spirit.
Day 16: The Power of Praising God
A key to experiencing God on a deeper level during our fast is to worship Him with praise and thanksgiving. The Psalms are filled with prayers of thanksgiving. They encourage us to honor and praise God for all He has done for us. "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name." (Psalm 100:4 KJV)
Day 15: Fasting for the World & Those Around Us
The Lord has good plans for us, our families, and our world. As we draw near to Him today, come with a belief and trust that He is good. Trust that His Word is true and His good promises will come to pass. God promises in His Word that, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV)
Day 14: Yield to God’s Leading
Sometimes, we find ourselves at a crossroads. It might be related to a potential job, relationship, dream, or difficulty, and we don’t know where to turn or how to move forward. Saul, before he became the Apostle Paul, was headed in the wrong direction and was unaware of his spiritual purpose. Instead of encouraging Christians, he persecuted them and hunted them down.
Day 13: Deliverance Through Fasting
In Isaiah 58:6, the prophet reveals a powerful key to experiencing God’s supernatural deliverance in our lives as he writes the word of God, “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke?”
Day 12: Financial Provision & Breakthrough
Our basic physical needs include food, water, shelter, and clothing. Meeting these needs ensures our survival. However, the Bible is clear that merely surviving is not God’s intention for His people. God desires to provide abundantly for all the needs of His people.
Day 11: Favor & Deliverance for Families
Throughout the Bible, as God’s people pray and fast for specific needs, He always moves on their behalf. God’s Word is clear. He shows Himself faithful to deliver, heal, and save in response to the prayers of His people.
Day 10: God is a Healer
Where do we turn when we receive a diagnosis or are walking alongside a family member facing illness? Is our first reaction to find solutions in our strength, or do we turn to the Healer?
Day 9: Resurrection Faith & Power
In the midst of challenging situations in our lives, we can have resurrection-faith and declare resurrection power. We are going to face trials on earth. The good news? Jesus is the Resurrected King.
Day 8: Faith in Action
When we receive divine direction from God, it takes faith to move forward. Sometimes, having the faith to stay on course isn't always easy. We can sometimes feel silly walking in our spiritual purpose. But faith is the willingness to look ridiculous. It's taking steps to unlearn our fears until the fear of God is the only thing left.
Day 7: Our Daily Bread
We need Jesus every day. He is our source of life. When we walk with Jesus, He never disappoints us. He is our bread when we’re hungry.
In the Old Testament, bread was the main source of daily nourishment and food. The Israelites lived off manna, heavenly bread, for forty years in the wilderness. In the New Testament, Jesus reiterates the importance of building our lives on Him, the true bread of life.
Day 6: Walking With God
Throughout God’s word, we see that God values relationships. A close relationship with God is the foundation for us to experience God’s blessing, peace, provision, gifts, and direction. However, a relationship with God is much more than meeting our needs and fulfilling our desires. He is the only one who can make us feel known and loved. But often, we try to meet our needs in other ways.
Day 5: Seeking God Through Change
Often we will find our lives heading in one direction. Then, after an encounter with God, we turn and head in a completely different direction. In the Bible, the temple of God was strategically designed so that you could not leave God’s presence the same way you came in. As we continually seek God’s presence, we will be transformed little by little.
Day 4: A New Perspective
When we experience a new pace that leads us to a new place, God gives us a new perspective. Fasting changes our routine and destination, which means we’ll start seeing things from a different point of view. However, the new lens we’re looking through should be God-given.
Day 3: A New Place
When we slow down, we are often able to see new things. Our pace affects our vision of a place. For example, we notice different details when we’re walking on a beach than when we’re flying over one in an airplane. On the ground, we are able to see kids searching for seashells, people playing volleyball, and waves crashing onto the shore. Hardly any of this is visible from the sky.
Day 2: A New Pace
Fasting creates a change of pace in times when our life is on autopilot. Daniel used fasting times to interrupt life's normalcy and intentionally turn his face toward God. Instead of hurrying from meal to meal, Daniel seized the time to commune with God. Communing with God means giving God our full attention. Praying, fasting, and reading scripture are ways to give God our attention.